1. 只进行单位转换,保证实际长度一致.(When you just want to convert the Unit but keep the same length.)
a. Start->Program->Unigraphics V1x.0->UG Command Prompt
b. Cd d:ugs150(eds140)ugii
c. Ug_convert_part -in (-mm) name.prt
2. 进行单位转换,保证数值一致,实际长度放大或缩小.(When you make a mistake unit, So you want to convert the Unit but hope keep the same parameter value. )
a. 启动 UG, 打开UG part 文件,进入Modeling.
b. Toolbox->Expression->export 产生 name.exp 文件.
c. Start->Program->Unigraphics V1x.0->UG Command Prompt
d. Cd d:ugs150(eds140)ugii
e. Ug_convert_part -in (-mm) name.prt
f. Close UG part 文件, 重新打开 UG part 文件。进入Modeling.
g. Toolbox->Expression->Import with option(Replace Existing).
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