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时间:2011-03-15 12:20:49 来源:未知
         161 GB/T 10596.1-1989 埋刮板输送机型式与基本参数 Type and basic parameters of En-Masse conveyer

162 GB/T 10596.2-1989 埋刮板输送机 技术条件 Technical specification of En-Masse conveyer

163 GB/T 10596.3-1989 埋刮板输送机 试验方法 Test method of En-Masse conveyer

164 GB/T 10597.1-1989 卷扬式启闭机 型式与基本参数 Water gate's hoister--Types and basic parameters

165 GB/T 10597.2-1989 卷扬式启闭机 技术条件 Water gate's hoister--Specification

166 GB/T 10598.1-1989 旋转钻机 Rotary blast hole drills

167 GB/T 10598.2-1989 旋转钻机 工业试验方法 Method for industrial test of rotary blast hole drills

168 GB/T 10606.1-1989 空气分离设备术语 基本术语 Terminology of air separation plant—Basic terminology

169 GB/T 10606.2-1989 空气分离设备术语 单元设备 Terminology of air separation plant—Component units

170 GB/T 10606.3-1989 空气分离设备术语 稀有气体提取设备 Terminology of air separation plant—Rare gas recovery equipment

171 GB/T 10606.4-1989 空气分离设备术语 低温液体贮运设备 Terminology of air separation plant—Cryogenic liquid storage and transportation equipment

172 GB/T 10606.5-1989 空气分离设备术语 透平膨胀机 Terminology of air separation plant—Expansion turbine

173 GB/T 10606.6-1989 空气分离设备术语 低温液体泵 Terminology of air separation plant—Cryogenic liquid pump

174 GB/T 10607-1989 空气分离设备 产品型号编制方法 Methods for compiling product models of air separation plant

175 GB/T 10675-1989 液压挖掘机 可靠性试验方法 Hydraulic excavators—Test methods for reliability

176 GB 10827-1989 机动工业车辆 安全规范 Powered industrial trucks—Safety code

177 GB/T 10870-1989 容积式冷水机组 性能试验方法 The methods of performance test for reciprocating and screw water-chilling units

178 GB/T 10871-1989 小型活塞式单级制冷压缩机 型式与基本参数 Type and basic parameters for small single-stage reciprocating refrigerant compressors

179 GB/T 10872-1989 小型活塞式单级制冷压缩机技术条件 Specification for small single-stage reciprocating refrigerant compressors

180 GB/T 10873-1989 小型活塞式单级制冷压缩机试验方法 Methods of test for small single-stage reciprocating refrigerant compressors

181 GB/T 10874-1989 中型活塞式单级制冷压缩机型式与基本参数 Types and basic parameters for middle single-stage reciprocating refrigerant compressors

182 GB/T 10875-1989 中型活塞式单级制冷压缩机技术条件 Specification for middle single-stage reciprocating refrigerant compressors

183 GB/T 10876-1989 中型活塞式单级制冷压缩机试验方法 Methods of test for middle single-stage reciprocating refrigerant compressors

184 GB 10877-1989 氧气瓶阀 Valves for oxygen cylinders

185 GB/T 10878-1989 气瓶锥螺纹丝锥 Special taps of taper threads for gas cylinders

186 GB 10879-1989 溶解乙炔气瓶阀 Valves for dissolved acetylene cylinders

187 GB/T 10880-1989 电除尘器漏风率测试方法 Method of measuring gas leakage of electrostatic precipitators #p#分页标题#e#

188 GB/T 10884-1989 单螺杆泵型式与基本参数 Types and basic parameters of single screw pumps

189 GB/T 10885-1989 单螺杆泵技术条件 Technical specification of single screw pumps

190 GB/T 10886-1989 三螺杆泵型式与基本参数 Types and basic parameters of three screw pumps

191 GB/T 10887-1989 三螺杆泵技术条件 Technical specifications of three screw pumps

192 GB/T 10891-1989 空气处理机组安全要求 Safety requirements for air handling units

193 GB 10892-1989 固定的空气压缩机 安全规则和操作规程 Stationary air compressors—Safety rules and code of practice

194 GB/T 10893-1989 压缩空气干燥器 规范与试验 Compressed air dryers—Specifications and testing

195 GB/T 10894-1989 分离机械噪声声功率级的测定 工程法 Determination of sound power level for noise emitted by centrifuger separator and filter — Engineering method

196 GB/T 10895-1989 离心机、分离机机械振动测试方法 Centrifuger and separator—Measurement method of mechanical vibration

197 GB/T 10901-1989 离心机 性能测试方法 Performance testing for centrifuge

198 GB/T 10913-1989 土方机械行驶速度测定 Earth-moving machinery—Determination of ground speed

199 GB 11341-1989 悬挂输送机安全规程 Safety rules for overhead chain conveyers

200 GB/T 11473-1989 往复泵 型号编制方法 The model designation of reciprocating pump