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时间:2010-11-15 10:32:37 来源:


  1. In Modeling: After Creating a 3 D curve, Moving WCS origin to curve’ End_point1. Drawing a line which length is equal End_point2’s Xc value. Then Using Insert Curves Point SET, Creating N Points ( Equal Arc Length).

  2. In Drafting: Drawing Add View (Adding Front and Top and TFR_TRI View); Expand View; (Using Insert Basic curve line, through Point drawing N Vertical Lines as following Fig.); Insert Dimension( Horizontal and vertical as following Fig.)

  2. In Drafting: Drawing Add View (Adding Front and Top and TFR_TRI View); Expand View; (Using Insert Basic curve line, through Point drawing N Vertical Lines as following Fig.); Insert Dimension( Horizontal and vertical as following Fig.)

  So you can clearly represent X,Y,Z of each point.