选择“工具”“引用”项,在弹出的“引用”对话框的“可使用的引用”列表框内,选择“Microsoft Excel 8.0 Object Library"项
Public Function GetDistance(ptSt As Variant, ptEn As Variant) As Double
Dim x As Double
Dim y As Double
Dim z As Double
x = ptSt(0) - ptEn(0)
y = ptSt(1) - ptEn(1)
z = ptSt(2) - ptEn(2)
GetDistance = Sqr((Sqr((x ^ 2) + (y ^ 2)) ^ 2) + (z ^ 2))
End Function
Private Sub xz()
For JJ = 1 To 10
If MsgBox("是否继续选择", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then
Exit For
On Error Resume Next
Set myyactiveDoc = ActiveDocument
Dim SSet As AcadSelectionSet
Set SSet = myyactiveDoc.SelectionSets.Add("Ehlxz")
If Not IsNull(myyactiveDoc.SelectionSets.Item("Ehlxz")) Then
Set SSet = myyactiveDoc.SelectionSets.Item("Ehlxz")
SSet.Delete '及时删除不用的选择集非常重要
End If
Set SSet = myyactiveDoc.SelectionSets.Add("Ehlxz")
Dim ptArr1() As Variant
Dim ptArr2() As Variant
Dim count As Integer
count = SSet.count
ReDim ptArr1(count - 1)
ReDim ptArr2(count - 1)
If count = 0 Then
MsgBox "未选择任何对象!", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Dim objEnt As AcadEntity
Dim ptTemp As Variant
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
For Each objEnt In SSet
objEnt.GetBoundingBox ptArr1(i), ptTemp
i = i + 1
i = 0
For Each objEnt In SSet
objEnt.GetBoundingBox ptTemp, ptArr2(i)
i = i + 1
Dim ptLeftX, ptLeftY, ptRightX, ptRightY
Dim ptRight, ptTop
For WWW = 1 To count
ptLeftX = ptArr1(WWW - 1)(0)
ptLeftY = ptArr2(WWW - 1)(1)
ptRightX = ptArr2(WWW - 1)(0)
ptRightY = ptArr1(WWW - 1)(1)
Dim pppt1(0 To 2) As Double
Dim pppt2(0 To 2) As Double
pppt1(2) = 0
pppt2(2) = 0
Dim gzkuan As Double, gzgao As Double
gzkuan = (ptRightX - ptLeftX - 25 * (Int(Val(HjigeCb.Text)) - 1)) / Int(Val(HjigeCb.Text))
gzgao = (ptLeftY - ptRightY - 25 * (Int(Val(SjigeCb.Text)) - 1)) / Int(Val(SjigeCb.Text))
For j = 1 To Int(Val(HjigeCb.Text))
For k = 1 To Int(Val(SjigeCb.Text))
pppt1(0) = ptLeftX + (gzkuan + 25) * (j - 1)
pppt1(1) = ptLeftY - (gzgao + 25) * (k - 1)
pppt2(0) = pppt1(0) + gzkuan
pppt2(1) = pppt1(1) - gzgao
pppt1(0) = ptLeftX
pppt1(1) = ptLeftY
pppt2(0) = ptRightX
pppt2(1) = ptRightY
KK = GetDistance(pppt1, pppt2)
Dim Excel As Excel.Application
Dim ExcelSheet As Object
Dim ExcelWorkbook As Object
On Error Resume Next
Set Excel = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
If Err <> 0 Then
Set Excel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set ExcelWorkbook = Excel.Workbooks.Add
Excel.Visible = True
ExcelWorkbook.SaveAs "属性表.xls"
End If
Set ExcelSheet = Excel.ActiveSheet
Excel.Visible = True
endrow = ExcelSheet.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
ExcelSheet.Range("A" & endrow) = KK
Set Excel = Nothing
End If
End Sub
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