准备|| prepare for ,make preparation for
参数|| parameters
转速|| rotating speed ,revolution
生产单位|| production unit
生产批量|| lots of production
钢板|| steel plate
自动化|| automation
氩弧焊|| argon welding
复位|| reset
铁屑|| filings
库存|| to stock ,storage,in stock
领取|| receive
加工|| processing, to process
交货|| delivery , to deliver
登记|| registration
管制|| to control
安全库存|| safe stock
组装线|| assembly line
布置图|| layout
螺丝刀|| screw drive
工作桌|| work table
组装在一起|| fit together
条形码|| barcode
条形码扫描仪|| barcode scanner
修理|| repair
作业员|| operator
品管|| QC
科长|| supervisor
外观检查|| cosmetic inspect
工作间|| work cell
台车|| trolley
纸箱|| carton
叉车|| left fork
生产部门|| production department
常用设备|| common equipment
冲床|| punching machine
机械手|| robot
车床|| lathe
铣床|| miller
磨床|| grinder
线切割|| linear cutting
电火花|| electrcal sparkle
电焊机|| welder
职务|| position
总经理|| gereral manager
厂长|| factory director
组长|| group leader
搬运|| to move to carry to handle
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