direction change valve include electromagnetic direction change valve, manual direction change valve, call liquid direction change valve, four way direction change valve, multiplexed direction change valve, gas control direction change valve, five of multiplexed direction change valve, two spaces, such as two-direction change valve
Manual is a manual lever manipulation direction change valve disc killer direction control valves. In the hydraulic system, it can control the oil flow direction, the implementation of components of the Movement to change direction. Manual direction change valve the slide-valve for a way to the positioning of spaces steel ball positioning-and-two types of spring-loaded structure. steel ball positioning of manipulation handle external forces when lifting, positioning steel ball disc rely on to maintain in-place. When the manipulation of spaces is a spring-loaded handle external forces cancellation, disc spring-loaded to automatically revert to the initial position. direction change valve electromagnetic signals through electrical control valves to change the direction of liquid flow, it can be used to achieve hydraulic unloading system, the order to move and change oil flow. Electromagnetic direction change valve mainly for engineering machinery, mining machinery, transport machinery and other mechanical lifting hydraulic system
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